Case Study - Hole Covering Solution
Customer Need
Our customer, a large appliance manufacturer, had been using a foil square die-cut on the back of a refrigerator to cover a hole however, the adhesive on the die-cut part was exposed. When the refrigerators are moved about the facility, they do so on rollers. The rollers were becoming gummed up due to the exposed adhesive on the refrigerator die-cuts.
The Budnick Solution
Budnick created a larger die-cut, and bullnose cut paper to be placed in the center of the die-cut. The paper deadens the adhesive, preventing it from getting on the rollers.
The Converting Experts
This solved the problem of covering the hole so the foam would not leak out of the refrigerator and eliminated the mess in the plant. The previous converter was not capable of placing the paper in the center of the die-cut to deaden the adhesive.