The Top 4 Reasons To Choose Adhesive Tape Over Other Securing Methods
Adhesive tape gives you the ability to bond dissimilar materials to difficult surfaces, while filling in gaps to form a tight seal. Adhesive backed tape and foam can also bring about improvements in health, safety and disposal when you consider respiratory issues from sprays, burns from melt liquid adhesives and the trash generated from aerosol cans and tubes of used liquid adhesives.
Many manufacturing companies find that by using adhesive backed material in their production process, they save production time. Why? Because of these four reasons:
First, many people say tape is a “clean” application. It does not require cleanup like many liquid adhesives.
Second, it is hard to coat a substrate, especially by hand, with sprays and liquids and end up with a uniform thickness. Tape, foam and other flexible materials solve this problem by offering a uniform product thickness to the substrate on which they are being applied.
Third, most adhesive backed material can be spooled into long lengths. This lowers operating costs by allowing longer runs with less machine downtime.
Finally, there is no wasted time waiting for glues or epoxy to dry, set up or cure.
Adhesive backed material can help create improvements in productivity by giving engineers greater design flexibility, like using lighter, thinner materials or by converting the adhesive backed material to match their manufacturing requirements. Many engineers also like the “clean look” when two or more substrates are bonded together with adhesive backed material because it eliminates the visible mechanical fasteners, which can distort surfaces and create visual interruptions – taking away from the aesthetics of the original design.
Mechanical fasteners can also create a lot of stress on parts that are bonded, which often can create noise. Tape does not create such stress. Plus, by designing-in adhesive tape and other adhesive backed material into their manufacturing process, many companies can eliminate the need to bond both substrates together at the same time and location. Furthermore, the workers applying tapes do not have to be as skilled or high wage earners, as welders and craftsmen. This saves time in money in logistics costs.
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